
What is OT and What can OTs support?

I often get asked this question. It can be confusing sometimes because we are able to support in so many different areas. This is also why I love the profession. We are able to assist an individual in a wide range of areas and collaborate with them to create an individualized, client-centered treatment plan to reach their occupational goals!

So what is Occupational Therapy??

OT is a regulated health profession that empowers people of all ages to overcome barriers in their everyday lives so they can do all the activities (occupation) they want or need to do.

OTs believe that people experience life to the fullest through the things they enjoy everyday:

• play
• work
• school
• home
• community

Through a collaborative, client-led approach OTs help people understand their strengths and develop the skills needed to reach their activity (occupational) goals.

OTs can assist in maintaining function, regain skills, develop new skills or compensate for various challenges. This means we can support peoples physical, mental, emotional, cognitive health or look at what barriers in the environment may be creating the challenge.

I love how creative, holistic and client-centered this career is and each person's goals and treatment plan are extremely unique based on their unique lived experience.


What services does Whispering Woods occupational therapy offer?

We offer a wide range of services to all ages (children, youth and adults). Due to the wide breadth of skills occupational therapists have, we can support in all areas of your life. Sometimes that is too general of a response so the pictures to the side outline what we can offer.

That is what I love about occupational therapy - we can support you or your child be able to do the things that they need or want to do. That brings you joy or will help you overcome barriers! I want you to be able to live the most meaningful life by reaching your potential.

However, if you have questions about something specific and wonder if we can help, contact us today!

Happy Thursday!