It all starts with feeling safe and accepted.

Our Approach


All modes of communication are accepted.

Speaking, AAC, gesturing, signing, etc.


We do not suppress/change stims.

These are a vital way to regulate ones’ nervous system.



Interests-based, sensory and movement needs



Everyone has their own unique lived experience and is the experts in their bodies.


Safe Space.

This is a judgement free space; to be able to express your authentic self and unique needs.



We will work together to identify your strengths, challenges and goals.



Celebrate the strengths of each individual and allow each individual to be their truest, authentic self.


How long does therapy take?

We believe that some people can get what they need out of one-two sessions, while others attend therapy for long periods of time. There is no right answer here. With you, we would decide on a plan for therapy that suits your needs and what we think would be helpful for you in therapy.

How long are sessions?

We offer three session lengths: 30 minute, 45 minute and 60 minute sessions.

Can you contact my doctor, my child’s school or other therapy team members?

Absolutely. We work with our clients to advocate with them. If you think that this is something you need, let's chat and see how we can help.

Does my insurance cover Occupational Therapy Services with you?

OHIP does not cover Occupational Therapy services however, if you have an extended benefit plan, or access to Jordan’s Principle or Ontario Autism Program funding, they will cover Occupational Therapy Services. I suggest contacting your provider directly to make sure of this. It is helpful to note that we are Registered Occupational Therapists with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO).

Do you handle direct billing?

No, we do not. You will need to cover the cost of session upfront and you will be sent an official receipt that you can use to get reimbursed by your provider if you have the coverage.

I am unsure about virtual and phone counselling - is it even helpful?

Absolutely! The feedback we have received from many of our clients is that this is preferred due to busy lifetimes, time saving commutes etc. We use a secure online platform that is fairly straightforward and easy to use. Alternatively we offer phone sessions as well.

I have never had Occupational Therapy services before - what can I expect?

This is your own, individualized experience. Initially, this is about you getting comfortable and us developing a therapeutic relationship. We will set goals for therapy together, to help us guide your therapeutic experience. We also offer a 15-minute phone consultation, so that you can see if we would be a good fit for you.