“We learn who we are through the lens of other people.”


Our Services

  • Children (ages 2-10)

    Self-care skills, Functional sensory challenges, emotional regulation, fine & gross motor skills, life skills, recreation

  • Youth (ages 11-18)

    Functional sensory challenges, emotional regulation, fine & gross motor skills, life skills, self-care skills, school, work, transition to high school support, transition to adulthood, recreation

  • Adults

    Life skills, work readiness, recreation, functional sensory challenges, emotional regulation, fine & gross motor skills

  • Coaching

    I am happy to chat about any of the above related goals to support you or your child in reaching your or their full potential. Together through support, collaboration, education, problem-solving we can work toward your desired goals.

  • Discovery Phone Call (free)

    If you are unsure if our services can support you or your child’s needs, we are happy to complete a 15-minute phone call to explore this together.




  • OT Assessment - $180

    • 50 mins direct assessment + 15 minute debrief with parent/caregiver

  • OT Treatment/Follow-Up

    • 60 mins session - $140

    • 45 mins direct follow-up - $110

    • 30 mins session - $70


By request only
Mileage & travel fees may apply

  • OT Assessment - $200

    • 50 mins direct assessment + 15 minute debrief with parent/caregiver

  • OT Treatment/Follow-Up

    • 60 mins session - $180

    • 45 mins direct follow-up - $160

    • 30 mins session - $120


Report/Letter Writing (OAP Funding Letter, School Recommendations, etc.)

  • Starting at $75